How-To Guides | Promosoft | Digitaliserad Lagerstyrning | Sverige
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How to guides

How-To Guides

Here we have collected all our How-To guides and how-to guides. If you have a specific request for a guide that is not listed below, just contact us and we will help you.

Our guides

To make it as easy as possible for you to get started and use SOLO, we have put together How-To guides and tips for various functions in the system that you can easily follow.

Estimating Warehouse Costs

Estimating Order Row Costs

Non Inventory items - Optimization group

Initial Forecast new items

Create a Campain Proposal

Create a Campain

Supplier Access to SOLO

Analyze Forecast Errors

Recommended Routines

Schedule your propsals

Simulation Inventory

Foundations - Optimization Groups

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